Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Bit of Color

For the Know,
I recently returned from a trip that I took to a place that was called Pilot Mountain. Let me just say one thing about that trip - tiring. We hiked, and we hiked, and we chased ladybugs on the rocks and took lots of pictures and had a swell time. There are a few things I'm learning about these humans; 1. The multiple colours of Autumn entice even those who aren't looking forward to the weather that follows, 2. Hiking involves way more muscles than you think, and 3. Mountains evoke breathlessness when you peer over the edges of ledges. Overall, my trip and experience with nature has been a good one. I have experienced a bit of discolouration in my tone which Candler said is due to pollen. I'm getting used to the jaundice look (sarcastically stated). Now that the leaves have fallen and the world smells of death, it seems that the cycle of life is becoming more evident as the days go by. I'm looking forward to these gatherings that Candler and EK call Thanksgiving and Christmas, or what they refer to as Holidays. I do not think that either of them "celebrates" Christmas and Thanksgiving, but rather seems more of a time to stay home and eat and sleep. Sounds good to me! The basis for these Holidays is still unclear to me and for the next few days I will be attempting to understand such shenanigans. Where I come from, we don't "celebrate" anything. One day is the same as another and we enjoy each of them equally, none of which we hold higher in esteem in comparison to another. I have attached some photos of our trip to Pilot Mountain (they don't do the colours justice).
Until my next discourse and observation,
hindsight is 20/20
sunshine, lovely

blurry vision/hazel

stairs up, stairs down "Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn." ~Elizabeth Lawrence

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Heterosexual Questionnaire

I was able to meet a friend of Candler's the other day and was able to ask her some questions The Heterosexual Questionnaire that I was given following WGS 250 one day. After much review of this document, I began asking Speaks A Little French questions directly pulled form the Article listed below. Speaks A Little French was more than happy to indulge men in my quest for knowledge and definitions that come with new terms and conditions. Here are a few select questions and the answers non-verbatim. From: Men's Lives, 7th Edition. Kimmel, Michael and Messner, Michael, Eds. Pearson 2007 (credited with the original development of the questions posed here)

1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality? I think it happened in the womb at the stage of development.

2. When and how did you decide you were heterosexual? I didn't decide on it, it just happened.

3. Why do heterosexuals place so much emphasis on sex? I think sex is important to everyone.

4. With all the societal support marriage receives, the divorce rate is spiraling. Why are there so few stable relationships among heterosexuals? Divorce is way too easy.

5. Statistics show that lesbians have the lowest incidence of sexually transmitted diseases. Is it really safe for a woman to maintain a heterosexual lifestyle and run the risk of disease and pregnancy? Life is dangerous, taking precautions are vital.

6. How can you become a whole person if you limit yourself to compulsive, exclusive heterosexuality? I don't think your sexuality makes you a whole person or defines who you are.

7. Would you want your child to be heterosexual, knowing the problems s/he would face? I wish nothing for my children except for them to be who they are and to be happy in that.

I had the pleasure of speaking with Speaks A Little French for a few hours on this particular day. I quite enjoyed the friendly banter and articulation of thought and words. Let me note here that full permission was given by Speaks A Little French before any information was posted and their identity remains undisclosed by their request. It has come to my attention that not all "heterosexual" persons think or feel the same way in which Speaks does, but in building and compiling my information, I find it necessary to speak to as many people as possible and post their information as it comes. I will be posting further topics of conversation from that same afternoon with Speaks that concerned masculinity, femininity and family dynamics. I find it comforting and reassuring of objective humans on this planet. I'm still working on those survey questions for interviewing humans appropriately in a more organized fashion. Much thanks to Speaks A Little French for allowing me to use their words in this ongoing study of the unknown world around me.

To the chilly night air that surrounds me,


“It's exhilarating to be alive in a time of awakening consciousness; it can also be confusing, disorienting, and painful.” -Adrienne Rich

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

WEEKS 2 & 3

Last week was quite calm. Candler battled sickness for many days and now EK seems to have been bed-ridden by the same sickness. I was able to engage in a few conversations with some locals here, one who I shall Phyl. Phyl is an elderly woman, about the age of 76 who expressed her devout faith in God to me within five minutes of our meeting. This god she refers to makes no sense to me, but she seems to believe in his power of healing over her cancerous body. She stated that for 12 years now she has been battling cancer, and despite technology today she refuses treatment. Her skin is wrinkled and spotty, but her smile makes speaking with her bearable. I first approached her at the mailbox one afternoon with Candler as we worked in the yard. Phyl lives across the street and is known in the neighborhood to be the watchful eye. Since her retirement 10 years ago, Phyl finds it difficult to occupy her mind and body during the day, so she practices virtues through her religious freedom. Religion does not exist where I am from. We do not worship these things called God or feel that our "soul", whatever that may be, will continue to live after death. I learned a lot from Phyl that day. Such things as raising her children on her own after her husband's death, and living with a dark cloud in your conscious that you know will kill you - cancer. My understanding of cancer is limited to the idea of it having a greater meaning than sickness. Cancer can be a sickness, but it can also be a means to an end. It can appear as an obstacle in our lives or as a thought that will not fade. Thanks to Phyl, my understanding of the geriatric community has been breached and I hope to continue interacting with them.

I have decided, after a great deal of contemplation, to develop a set of questions that I will present to those I meet on this journey. I need to understand why it is that humans give Candler odd looks when we are in public. Just the other day we were approached in the restroom and they wanted to know why we were in the wrong bathroom. Odd, I know. Questions I hope to propose concern the idea of roles of men and women in the world, and when the "man" or the "woman" are not present, how the world revolves. I heard a man say the other day that women could not exist or live without him. Why then was he not married? Beats me.

I have attached a picture below of Andie and I chilling on the couch tonight. Candler has been working on homework for a few hours now and EK is coughing herself to sleep. It is a good night to sleep on the hammock I believe. Until my next report...


(Andie and V, bonding on the couch!)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week #1

I have settled into my dwelling with Candler and EK. I was introduced to seven things that are referred to as "animals" and was nervous with their boisterous activity at first. One of them is particularly excited all the time, the other, canine if you will, is very protective of the home. There are four cats and they don't quite know what to do with me yet; hell, I don't even know what to do with them. There is also this animal called a rabbit. It has ears that are as long as it's body. Confusing. Overall, I have found the company of these people enjoyable. My interaction this week has been limited to them specifically, but there has been talk of a coffee meeting with some friends of theirs this coming week.

I hope to probe for more answers in the coming weeks and be able to report specifics back as I learn of them. One of the dynamics that I have been privileged to already is that of a working household. Candler has taught me of some simple daily tasks and EK enlightened me of "proper" etiquette at the dinner table. Much of what has been shown to me until now is from what the two of them grew up learning. These two humans, have shown an amazing amount of care for me so far and have made me feel welcome. I shall continue writing of my experiences as they occur.

Here is a video that I saw the first night I was here. This planet should be very interesting to experience.