Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Bit of Color

For the Know,
I recently returned from a trip that I took to a place that was called Pilot Mountain. Let me just say one thing about that trip - tiring. We hiked, and we hiked, and we chased ladybugs on the rocks and took lots of pictures and had a swell time. There are a few things I'm learning about these humans; 1. The multiple colours of Autumn entice even those who aren't looking forward to the weather that follows, 2. Hiking involves way more muscles than you think, and 3. Mountains evoke breathlessness when you peer over the edges of ledges. Overall, my trip and experience with nature has been a good one. I have experienced a bit of discolouration in my tone which Candler said is due to pollen. I'm getting used to the jaundice look (sarcastically stated). Now that the leaves have fallen and the world smells of death, it seems that the cycle of life is becoming more evident as the days go by. I'm looking forward to these gatherings that Candler and EK call Thanksgiving and Christmas, or what they refer to as Holidays. I do not think that either of them "celebrates" Christmas and Thanksgiving, but rather seems more of a time to stay home and eat and sleep. Sounds good to me! The basis for these Holidays is still unclear to me and for the next few days I will be attempting to understand such shenanigans. Where I come from, we don't "celebrate" anything. One day is the same as another and we enjoy each of them equally, none of which we hold higher in esteem in comparison to another. I have attached some photos of our trip to Pilot Mountain (they don't do the colours justice).
Until my next discourse and observation,
hindsight is 20/20
sunshine, lovely

blurry vision/hazel

stairs up, stairs down "Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn." ~Elizabeth Lawrence

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